Elder Collin Gibby

Elder Collin Gibby
Our Missioanry Seattle Washigton

universal studios Oct. 2012

universal studios Oct. 2012
Universal Studios Oct. 2012



Aug 27, 2012

Collin's car he saved and bought...
Summer has come to an end :( The kids are all back in school. I actually am not excited. I love having my kids around, sleeping in, and going on family adventures. This is a monumental school year, Collin will be graduating this year ! I am not ready for him to graduate. It makes me sad our family life will never be the same. It is the last year we will all be together as a family! So we have planned a trip to Disneyland over fall break our last big vacation together as a family before Collin goes off to college and then his Mission. Not excited for this School year !
High Adventure Scout Camp August 2012
Camp Browning
                                         Collin and Parker Shooing at the shooting range.
                                            First and only time ever the Boys got to go to camp together with their Dad.
                                    The troop 124.  Mark is in the back row on the left in the Green.

Pioneer Trek July 2012 

                                                               The Gibby Family
                        (Left Front) Emily, Kennady, Ma Gibby, Alex, Zac, Caitlain, Mckenna, Bryan,
                        (Back)Trevor, Mitchell, &Pa Gibby.
Camp! We hiked a gruelling 32 miles in four days. Our ankles and legs were covered in dirt.It was hot .We were serinaded and sung to by our boys Alex, Zac,Trevor, and Bryan almost the whole time. They sung song after song enteraining us while pulling he hand carts. It was tough, but I would do it all over again no question. I know the Gibby family knows they can do hard things especially with faith. 

meg turns 4 on Jan. 30th

meg turns 4 on Jan. 30th

This is what mark did for six weeks. Since he was not allowed to walk on it.

This is what mark did for six weeks. Since he was not allowed to walk on it.

Mark's leg from surgery due to car accident

Mark's leg from surgery due to car accident

more leg pics

more leg pics